What would you most like your dogs to be?
Why I don't recommend the "Carrot Game"
Socialising your puppy during Covid-19?
Dogs as Personal or Home Protection?
If a mother dog snaps at her pups, why can’t we use “corrections” to train?
You cannot reinforce fear, but you can reduce it
It Doesn't Really Hurt, it just...
What do Trainers mean by teaching "Optimism"? Is this really a thing?
Why it is NOT just about Observable Behaviour
Group Classes are Not Always the Answer
Build that Reinforcement History!
All habits are hard to break! A quick argument for better management:
Relationship First
The importance of food delivery placement in Positive Reinforcement Training
I am going to say it again- Emotions Matter
Rate of Reinforcement - why is this such a big deal?
Learning to listen
Fix or Fulfill?
Dogs are not Blank Slates
Training Success?